HC Deb 24 February 1927 vol 202 cc1930-1W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he will consider the issue of a Fleet order informing naval ratings of the existence of Form D 145 B, and of the importance of properly completing the same before being invalided; and whether he will consider the possibility of officers of divisions being directed to assist in the preparation of this form, observing that there is no appeal board for post-War invalided naval ratings?

Lieut.-Colonel HEADLAM

This question has been carefully considered, and as at present advised I am of opinion that the facilities already available to naval ratings about to be invalided are adequate. I would invite my hon. Friend's attention to the reply which the First Lord gave him on the 1st December last (OFFICIAL REPORT, col. 1179).


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether the Board of Admiralty decides the request of an invalided naval rating to have his disability considered as attributable, or whether this matter is left solely in the hands of the Medical Department, observing that in recent cases men who have questioned the invaliding board's decision have been informed by the Accountant-General the Navy that the naval medical authorities have decided disability not due to service?

Lieut.-Colonel HEADLAM

The matter is not left solely in the hands of the Medical Department. The cases referred to by my hon. Friend are those in which the naval medical authorities arrive at their opinion on the medical facts in accordance with definite principles approved by the Board of Admiralty for their guidance. Whenever the circumstances leave any element of doubt the case is laid before the Board for final decision.