HC Deb 14 April 1927 vol 205 cc565-6W

asked the Minister of Agriculture if he can give assurances that cherries from those districts abroad which are infected by the maggot of the cherry fruit fly will not be imported into this country this summer.


I understand that by arrangement with the French Ministry of Agriculture, the French cherry exporters are forming a national syndicate, the members of which bind themselves not to export to this country certain varieties of cherries which are known to be highly susceptible to the attacks of the cherry fruit fly. Consignments will be examined by officers of the syndicate to see that this regulation is complied with. Consignments will also be inspected by officers of the French Phytopathological Service, and no consignments will be allowed to enter this country from France unless it appears that such examination has not revealed the presence of the fly in any stage of its existence, and unless each package in the consignment bears the official label of the syndicate. A new Order under the Destructive Insects and Pests Acts giving effect to this arrangement will be issued shortly.