HC Deb 07 April 1927 vol 204 cc2296-8W

asked the President of the Board of Education (1) the amount spent in the last financial year in support of adult education; the names of the organisations receiving grants with the amount received in each case; and the respective figures for the year 1921;

(2) the number of classes in England and Wales providing adult education during the last complete year for which figures are available; the names of the councils or organisations responsible for the classes, with the number of classes for which each is responsible, classes under joint control to be shown separately?


The following table shows the bodies in receipt of grants from the Board in the financial year 1926–27 in respect of classes, schools, etc., conducted under the Adult Education Regulations during the school year 1925–26, the grants paid and the number of classes, etc., held. The separate expenditure incurred by local authorities on classes, etc., of this type cannot be stated.

Responsible Body. Grant paid. Numbers of Classes, Schools, etc., in respect of which payments were made.
(i) University or University College jointly with the Workers Educational Association— £ s. d.
Birmingham 2,138 6 3 43 and 1 Vacation School.
Bristol 1,169 3 11 22 and 1 Vacation School.
Cambridge 1,637 8 11 44 and 1 Vacation School.
Durham (Durham Diocesan) 1565 17 10 36.
Durham (Newcastle) 1,537 7 11 36.
Leeds 2,827 5 10 44.
Liverpool 3,321 15 5 61 and 1 Vacation School
London 3,419 12 10 74 and 1 Vacation School
Manchester 2,634 16 8 43.
Nottingham 4,336 19 8 92 and 1 Vacation School.
Oxford 2,187 10 11 28 and 2 Vacation Schools.
Reading 170 0 0 3.
Sheffield 2,525 14 3 29.
Southampton 315 0 0 5.
University College of South Wales 340 19 1 12.
University College, Wales 1,539 6 8 29.
University College, N. Wales 1,248 16 11 34.
University College, S. Wales 2,014 16 4 45.
University College, Swansea 1,185 12 3 22.
(ii) Workers Educational Association District—
Eastern 324 7 1 33.
East Midland 15 0 0 2.
London 505 3 4 58.
North-Eastern 311 8 5 28.
North Staffordshire 152 16 0 6.
North-Western 834 4 3 51.
South-Eastern 202 1 8 13.
Southern 422 2 1 31.
South-Western 197 16 8 26.
Western 714 2 8 56.
West Lancashire & Cheshire 762 5 5 52.
West Midland 306 4 5 18.
Yorkshire 403 12 3 27.
North Wales 79 3 4 8.
Wales 220 0 11 23.
(iii) Miscellaneous Bodies—
National Industrial Alliance 299 7 8 22.
Cornwall Adult Education Joint Committee 79 16 8 11.
Educational Settlements Association 384 14 5 27.
Welsh National Council of Y.M.C.A's. 33 0 7 5.
(iv) Governing Bodies of Residential Colleges—
Ruskin College, Oxford 362 13 4
Catholic Workers College, Oxford 105 0 0
Fircroft College, Bournville 205 0 0
(v) Jointly Controlled Vacation Schools—
Durham, Leeds and Sheffield 330 0 0
Manchester and Wales 220 0 0
Total 43,577 12 10 1,199 Classes, 10 Vacation Schools and 3 Rssidential Colleges.

Corresponding details as regards the1 financial year 1921–22 could not be given without special inquiries and investigation, but the total grants paid in that year to University Bodies, Workers' Educational Association Districts, and other Bodies in respect of Adult Education Classes conducted in the school year 1920–21 were as Follows:—

£ s. d.
For University Tutorial Classes and Preparatory Classes 13,635 12 3
For Vacation Schools 1,330 0 0
Workers' Educational Association Classes 1,326 10 0
Others 207 10 0
Total 16,499 12 3