HC Deb 24 November 1926 vol 200 c429W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he can see his way to amend the present practice whereby established men are transferred from higher-paid lo lower-paid jobs, seeing that no injustice would be involved in allowing them to keep the higher rate of wages to which they become entitled, in view of the fact that in the Navy men receive different rates of pay for exactly the same work and the same practice of differentiation exists in the railway system?

Amount. Date. Per head.
United Kingdom £7,615,900,000 31st March, 1926 £168.3
Internal francs 286,380,300,000 31st December, 1925 Francs 7,177.5
External francs* 182,634,500,000 Francs 4,577.3
Francs 11.754.8
Reichsmarks (exclusive of the debt for reparations). 2,318,000,000 31st March, 1926 Reichsmarks 36.6
United States† $19,813,700,000 31st March, 1926 $172.0
At rates of exchange on 31st December, 1925, viz.—francs 129.4 equal £1
† Excluding the debts of the States.