HC Deb 23 November 1926 vol 200 cc226-7W

asked the Minister of Transport whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that colliery wagons are lying in sidings all over the country and the owners do not know, and have no means of ascertaining, where they are; and whether he will take steps to assist the owners to locate the wagons, and to arrange for the return of them in order to expedite the delivery of coal?

Colonel ASHLEY

I am aware that, owing to the stoppage of the mines, empty colliery wagons for which accommodation was not available on the owners' sidings have had to be stored by the railway companies. I understand that the railway companies are using every endeavour to bring these idle wagons back into traffic, at the same time advising the owners of their where abouts, so that forwarding instructions may be given. From inquiries which I have already made, I understand that considerable progress has been made in the return of wagons to their owners,

NUMBER OF CASES notified and Deaths recorded from Acute Poliomyelitis and Polioencephalitis in England and Wales and certain European Countries in six-monthly periods 1925–26.
Country. First six mouths of 1925. Second six months of 1925. First six months of 1926.
Total cases notified. Deaths. Proportion per million mid-year population. Total cases notified. Deaths. Proportion per million mid-year population. Total cases notified. Deaths. Proportion per million mid-year population.
Cases. Deaths. Cases. Deaths. Cases. Deaths.
England and Wales. 132 79 3 2 290 77 7 2 136 57 3 1
Austria (see Note (2) below). ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 5 ? 1 ?
Denmark 31 ? 9 ? 84 ? 25 ? 12 ? 4 ?
Finland 14 ? 4 ? 14 ? 4 ? 8 ? 2 ?
France 80 ? 2 ? 142 ? 4 ? 70 ? 2 ?
Germany 131 ? 2 ? 255 ? 4 ? 115 ? 2 ?
Holland 12 4 2 1 20 5 3 1 8 ? 1 ?
Italy 217 ? 5 ? 383 ? 10 ? 97 ? 2 ?
Norway (Towns only). 17 0 21 0 70 8 88 10 5 1 6 1
Sweden 105 ? 17 ? 400 ? 66 ? 86 ? 14 ?
Switzerland 24 ? 6 ? 69 ? 18 ? 9 ? 2 ?
NOTES.—(1) The number of cases notified in England and Wales during the 19 weeks ended 13th November, 1926, was 891 (23 per million population). The number of deaths in this period in England and Wales and corresponding figures for cases and deaths in other European Countries are not at present available.
(2) The figures for Austria in 1925 cannot be ascertained in half-yearly periods. The totals for the year are cases 15 and deaths 4.
(3) The figures for the several European Countries are taken from the Annual and Monthly and Epidemiofogical Reports of the Health Section of the League of Nations.