HC Deb 18 November 1926 vol 199 cc1973-4W

asked the Post-master-General the number of male clerical officers classified as "A" or above average for promotion purposes in each of the following Departments: Accountant-General's Department, Lon- don Telephone Service, Money Order Department, Savings Bank Department, Secretary's Office (London and Scotland, respectively), Engineering Department (Provinces), Stores Department, London Engineering District, and Engineer-in-Chief's Office?


The numbers classified as "A" are as follows:

25, 2, 1, 41, 8, 1, 7, 14, 5 and 17

This classification denotes that the officers concerned are considered to be "eminently fitted for early and special promotion." The reports on which the classification is based are not furnished for the whole staff, but only for those officers in each Department whose seniority brings them within range of consideration for promotion.