HC Deb 12 November 1926 vol 199 cc1423-4W
Major GLYN

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in view of the im-

Numbers of persons on the Registers at the beginning of each week in the months of September and October, 1926.
Date. Numbers of Persons on the Registers.
Men. Boys. Women. Girls. Total
6th September 1,358 107 142 92 1,699
13th September 1,379 101 140 97 1,717
20th September 1,367 98 150 96 1,711
27th September 1,395 109 157 98 1,759
4th October 1,397 110 154 99 1,760
11th October 1,395 112 143 100 1,750
18th October 1,366 110 158 101 1,735
25th October 1,426 108 160 101 1,795

portance of the Report of the Interdepartmental Committee on agricultural unemployment, completed in August of this year, and issued as a Stationery Office publication but not available in the Vote Office, and since the published price is 6s., which puts the Report beyond the reach of many who should read it, he will consult the Treasury, in order that, if possible, other arrangements may be made


This publication was issued at cost price, in accordance with the general practice governing the pricing of Government publications. The contents of the Report have been given considerable publicity in the Press, and about 100 copies have already been sold. I am nut satisfied, therefore, that there is adequate ground for adopting the very unusual course of now reducing the price. Any hon. Member who is interested in the subject can obtain a copy of the Report on application to the Controller of the Stationery Office

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