BENNETTasked the President of the Board of Trade if his attention has been called to the new amalgamation of German shipping lines trading between Hamburg and Antwerp and South America; whether he is aware that freight rates on iron and steel are to be reduced to about 50 per cent, below those from British ports; and what the relative rates are?
§ Sir P. CUNLIFFE-LISTERThe attention of the Board of Trade has been called to the point referred to by the hon. Member. I am informed that there is no new amalgamation of German shipping lines trading between Hamburg, Antwerp and South America, the rates charged being applicable to British as well as foreign lines trading from these ports. The present freight rates for iron and steel are 15s. per ton from Antwerp and Hamburg, and 27s. 6d. per ton from the United Kingdom. The reason for this disparity is that at present there is a freight rate war between the Conference lines and certain outside lines trading from Hamburg and Antwerp. I understand that normally, the policy of 611W the British and foreign lines is to charge the same rates for United Kingdom as for Continental shipments.