HC Deb 15 March 1926 vol 193 cc64-5W

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that in certain localities local authorities have appointed a sanitary inspector or inspector of nuisances to act as architect for their housing scheme, irrespective of whether the official is qualified as an architect; and whether, seeing that it is undesirable that housing work should be entrusted to other than qualified architects, he will notify local authorities that they should appoint only qualified architects to carry out housing schemes?


As a general rule local authorities are not now required to submit for my approval plans and details of their housing schemes. But as stated in the circular which was issued to local authorities in connection with the Housing Act of 1924, I attach importance to the maintenance of a good standard in the planning and layout of schemes, and I hope that I can rely on the co-operation of local authorities in doing all within their power to ensure that these features will be creditable to the country and to the local authority. I take this opportunity of recalling that local authorities were informed in connection with schemes under the Housing Act of 1919 that competent architects should be employed to plan and design the houses to be erected.