HC Deb 15 March 1926 vol 193 cc57-8W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware of the length of time taken by the colonial officer in investigating a matter of alleged non-observance of the Fair Wages Clause by a contractor to the Department; whether he is aware that the question was raised on the 25th March last year, and a reply received on the 9th November that a further letter on the same subject was addressed to the Department on the 11th January, but apart from the usual acknowledgment no reply has yet been received, despite inquiries; and, in view of this delay, will he cause inquiries to be made into the reasons for such, and endeavour to expedite the settlement of such claims?


I regret that it has not been possible to expedite consideration of the case, which is, however, a matter involving reference to the Fair Wages Advisory Committee. I learn that arrangements have been made for the chairman of that Committee to see the local representative of the union concerned.