HC Deb 11 March 1926 vol 192 cc2634-5W

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he can give returns showing the total quantity and value of mining timber imported from each foreign country and the Colonies into South Wales and Monmouthshire, the North-East Coast districts, and the United Kingdom as a whole for each year from 1913 to 1925, inclusive?


Particulars respecting the countries of consignment of imports are normally available only for the United Kingdom as a whole, and I do not think the cost of specially preparing such statistics by districts for the long period covered by the answer would be justified.

The following statement shows the quantity and value of pit props or pit wood imported into the United Kingdom during each of the years specified, distinguishing (1) the imports into ports (a) in South Wales and Monmouth, and (b) on the North-East Coast of England, and (2) the principal countries whence these imports were consigned:

(2) Imports of Pitprops and Pitwood into the United Kingdom as a whole by Principal Countries of Consignment.
Russia. Esthonia. Latvia Finland. Sweden. Norway France, Portugal. New-found-land. Other countries.
Quantities consigned therefrom.
1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Loads. Loads. Loads. Loads. Loads. Loads. Loads. Loads. Loads. Loads.
1913 1,539 360 115 984 316 137
1914 737 306 134 886 293 6 115
1915 61 382 321 793 375 86 151
1916 97 Included with Russia in these years separate particulars not available 272 320 684 401 81 166
1917 55 76 81 706 75 3
1918 7 55 33 608
1919 276 245 143 681 41 66
1920 440 293 145 1,004 22 100
1921 9 39 171 149 108 782 7 8 24
1922 3 45 141 569 365 179 1,242 168 41 59
1923* 74 69 152 717 585 169 1,566 123 140 80
1924 175 71 72 554 329 133 1,359 101 101 109
1925 134 51 48 554 284 95 1,235 6 43 73
Declared Values thereof.
1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
£'s. £'s. £'s. £'s. £'s. £'s. £'s. £'s. £'s. £'s.
1913 2,415 558 201 839 278 154
1914 1,171 576 297 808 267 16 124
1915 267 1,238 1,137 1,041 539 316 248
1916 569 Included with Russia in these years: separate particulars not available. 1,549 1,829 1,302 751 486 392
1917 512 805 900 1,826 198 13
1918 33 831 508 1,576
1919 2,057 1,952 1,090 1,747 105 357
1920 2,739 2,117 1,021 2,823 66 603
1921 22 158 517 656 432 1,285 10 28 116
1922 10 112 354 1,329 1,012 473 1,715 227 107 147
1923* 197 177 389 1,928 1,766 505 1,950 150 407 211
1924 465 192 181 1,458 958 356 1,643 117 275 267
1925 333 109 112 1,261 698 232 1,551 7 124 168
* Direct Imports into the Irish Free State from countries outside the British Isles have been excluded since 1st April, 1923. From the same date imports into Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the Irish Free State have been included.