HC Deb 05 March 1926 vol 192 cc1776-7W


No changes have been made in the Customs duties on woollen and worsted piece goods in Sweden, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, Greece or Roumania. In Austria, the Netherlands and Germany the duties on most classes of woollen and worsted piece goods were increased by the Tariff revisions which came into operation on the 1st January, 1925, the 1st July, 1925, and the 1st October, 1925, respectively, and particulars of these Tariff changes are now supplied. In Denmark the duties on woollen cloths weighing over 300 grammes per square metre and containing 3 per cent. or less of silk were slightly increased as from the 1st January, 1925. In Turkey no change has been made in the Customs duty, but a consumption duty on woollen and worsted piece goods (equal to one-fifth of the Customs duties) was imposed in March, 1925.


In China a temporary surtax (for famine relief purposes) was imposed on all dutiable goods as from the 1st November last, the surtax being equal to one-tenth of the ordinary Customs duty. In Japan the duties on some classes of woollen and worsted piece goods were increased in March, 1925, owing to the lapse in that month of the Schedule to the Anglo-Japanese Commercial Treaty of 1911. Particulars of the increases of duties in Japan follow:


In Egypt, the most important market in Africa for woollen and worsted piece goods, there have been no Tariff changes.


No changes have been made in the Customs duties on woollen and worsted piece goods in the five most important American markets, namely, the United States, Argentine Republic, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. The consumption duty on woollen and worsted piece goods in Brazil was, however, slightly increased by the Budget Law for 1926, and the Consular fee in respect of shipments of all goods to Chile was increased from 1½ to 2 per cent. ad valorem towards the end of 1925.

Further Particulars of the Tariff Changes previously referred to.

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