HC Deb 03 March 1926 vol 192 c1457W

asked the Minister of Labour the estimated numbers of insured persons in employment at the end of January in each of the following years: 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925 and 1926?

Date (end of) Estimated numbers insured.(2) Numbers of insured persons recorded as unemployed. Excess of col. (2) over col. (3).
(1) (2) (3) (4)
January, 1921 11,030,950 1,213,386 9,817,564
January, 1922 11,130,950 1,948,113 9,182,837
January, 1923 11,206,450 1,468,821 9,737,629
January, 1924 11,317,780 l,333,889† 9,983,891
January, 1925 11,513,370 1,273,051 10,240,319
January, 1926 11,673,220* 1,251,831 10,421,389
* Provisional figure.
† This figure is somewhat inflated as the result of the railway dispute of 21st to 29th January, 1924.