HC Deb 16 February 1926 vol 191 cc1738-9W

asked the Secretary of State for War if, seeing that at the Mechanical Transport Services depot at Hounslow, after a dispute with the employés during January, the War Office has given notice to introduce military personnel to displace the civilian personnel as from the 17th February, and that 240 military personnel are kept in readiness to take charge of the work now done by 207 civilian engineers, he will say what are the reasons for this change?


The hon. Member has been misinformed. The number of civilians to be replaced by soldiers at the Royal Army Service Corps Heavy Repair Shop is about 100, and not 240; their places will be taken by an equal number of soldiers. The reason for the change was explained in an answer to the hon. Member for Rochdale (Mr. Kelly) on the 9th instant; it is due solely to the requirements of Army organisation, and has nothing to do with any dispute with the employés.