HC Deb 10 February 1926 vol 191 c1047W

asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware of the dissatisfaction felt by certain boards of guardians that the time of their representatives on the rota committees is largely wasted, seeing that after they have carefully examined into cases their decisions have frequently been upset by officials of the Ministry who cannot have the same knowledge of local conditions; and will he give instructions that in future greater regard shall be paid to local conditions, especially in the cases of men over 60 years of age who have worked for 30 to 40 years in the shipyard industry and now find it impossible to get work elsewhere?


It is not the case that the decisions of local employment committees are frequently upset by the Department. I find that during the period from 25th August to 11th January last the allowances of extended benefit by the Middlesbrough Committee became operative in 98.5 per cent. of the cases.