HC Deb 15 December 1926 vol 200 cc2958-9W

asked the Minister of Health the numbers of houses completed under the various Housing Acts; the numbers authorised but not completed; the numbers built by local authorities and by private enterprise, respectively; the numbers of local authorities and private enterprise concerned; the numbers built for sale and to let, respectively; the division as between urban and rural areas; and if he will state the particulars for each of the Housing Acts separately?


The following table gives the information desired by the hon. Member as far as it is available. Information is not available as to the total number of houses which have been built for letting and for sale, but, as the hon. Member is no doubt aware, houses built under the Housing Act of 1924 must be available for letting:

Name of Housing Act. Number of Houses authorised but not completed.
In Borough and Urban Districts. In Rural Districts. Total authorised but not completed.
By Local Authorities. By Private Enterprise. By Local Authorities. By Private Enterprise.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Housing, Town Planning etc. Act, 1919. 478 478
Housing (Additional Powers) Act, 1919.
Housing etc. Act, 1923 17,098 74,911 3,228 84,689 129,926
Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1924. 78,528 2,106 13,260 1,057 94,951
96,104 77,017 16,488 35,746 225,355

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