HC Deb 14 December 1926 vol 200 c2787W

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the names of the persons serving on the Wild Birds Advisory Committee for his Department and the names of the organisations they represent?


The members of the Committee are

  • Mr. Hugh S. Gladstone, F.R.S.E. (Chairman).
  • Mr. W. Eagle Clarke, I.S.O., LL.D. Mr. Walter E. Collinge, D.Sc.
  • Mr. H. M. Conacher (representing the Board of Agriculture for Scotland).
  • Mr. H. J. Crowe (representing the Fishery Board for Scotland).
  • Mr. J. Ritchie, D.Sc.
  • Professor J. Arthur Thomson, LL.D.

With the exception of the Departmental representatives named, these gentlemen were not appointed to represent specific organisations. Mr. Gladstone is on the Council of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Dr. Eagle Clarke, who had acted for 20 years as adviser to the Scottish Office on wild bird protection matters, and Professor Thomson, who was selected as being one of the leading ornithological authorities in the country, are also members of that society and honorary presidents of the Scottish branch. Dr. Collinge is a scientist who has done much valuable work in connection with the investigation of the food of birds. Dr. Ritchie, who succeeded Dr. Eagle Clarke as keeper of the natural history department of the Royal Scottish

District. Total No. of applications received by B.O.A.S. Total No. of applications withdrawn. Total No. of applications granted.
New Holdings. Enlargements. New Hoi din Enlargements. New Holdings. Enlargements.
Skye 1,126 587 289 88 370 174
Lewis 1,192 607 365 78 263 278
Mull 171 39 61 12 33 3
Rum Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil.