HC Deb 02 August 1926 vol 198 cc2651-2W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether he is aware of the dissatisfaction which has been caused among the staff of his Department by the recent appointment, on a permanent basis, to the post of chief clerk to His Majesty's Trade Commissioner, Calcutta; whether he is aware that when the officer concerned was appointed temporarily to this post an assurance was given by the official side of the Departmental Whitley Council that consultation would take place with the staff side before any permanent appointment was made; whether he is aware that, despite this assurance, the staff side have been given no opportunity of expressing their views in regard to the permanent appointment which has now been announced; and whether he will give an undertaking that, in future, the official side of the Departmental Whitley Council will carry out the undertakings which it gives to the staff?


No report of any dissatisfaction has reached me. No representations have been made either to myself or to the permanent head of the Department or to the official side of the Whitley Council, although before the final steps were taken in connection with the placing of this appointment on a permanent basis the staff side of the Departmental Whitley Council were informed in the usual manner. With regard to the second and third parts of the question, I am not aware that any such assurance was given, but, as I have just stated, the staff side were given ample opportunity of expressing their views. The last part of the question does not therefore arise.