HC Deb 26 April 1926 vol 194 cc1685-6W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he is now in a position to state whether, when the services of Mudir Mohamed bin Salim were dispensed with in Kenya in 1924, other officers of a standing junior to Mohamed bin Salim were retained in the service?


Yes, Sir; when the Arab staff was re-organised with a view to economy in 1924, two Mudirs junior to Mohamed bin Salim were retained. One had been appointed to Mambrui in 1921 on account of exceptional qualifications. The other, like Mohamed bin Salim, was in the Mombasa district, and it was decided on the recommendation of the Resident Commissioner to retain the junior man. This decision was arrived at solely in the interests of the public service. Seniority is not, of course, the determining factor in the consideration of such matters.

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