HC Deb 20 November 1925 vol 188 cc787-9W

Excluding the grant of 6,400,040 acres held under provisional title by the North Charterland Exploration Company (1910), Limited, the figures are as follow:

Total Land Alienated. White. Indians. Other aliens.
Acres. Acres. Acres.
Under Final Title. 1,665,632 6
Permit of Occupation Do. do. 954,186
(Railway Farms), 59,169
Lease with option of Purchase. 3,330
Lease without option of Purchase. 13,852 226 117
Awaiting issue of Final Title. 227,649
Awaiting issue of Permit of Occupation. 36,011
Awaiting issue of Lease Nil
2,959,829 232 117

With the exception of certain small plots used as residential and store sites, all land held under final title is subject to an annual quit rent.

Land held under permit of occupation is ultimately granted under final title subject to annual quit rent, but the terms of the permit of occupation are not subject to revision.

All leases of land except those carrying the option to purchase on terms laid down in the lease are subject to periodic review and adjustment."

The above Report does not include the freehold areas of the British South Africa Company, which amount to 2,540,000 acres, except in so far as they have been alienated by the company to others. The Report of the Native Reserves Commission for the East Luangwa district, which affects the North Charterland Ex- ploration Company's land, has been presented and is now under consideration.