HC Deb 18 November 1925 vol 188 c388W

asked the Postmaster General whether he is aware that the post of inspector of doorkeepers at the General Post Office has been temporarily filled by the senior sergeant for one year and that this officer acted as reserve for many years previously; that the vacancy has now been filled, not by the senior sergeant, but by an ex-inspector of City Police; whether this ex-inspector is in receipt of police pension and, if so, how much; if he is aware that this ex-inspector has been trained, at least in part, by the senior sergeant; whether he is aware of the dissatisfaction caused among the staff by the passing over of the senior sergeant and by the limitation of promotion avenues involved; and if he will take steps to secure a settlement of this case and the principle involved more in keeping with the normal procedure in regard to promotion?


The appointment in question is in accordance with the previous practice, which is to appoint to this post an ex-inspector of the police not above the age of 50. The senior sergeant is over 62 years of age, and the other sergeants are over 55. I will review the matter in connection with future appointments to this post.