HC Deb 11 May 1925 vol 183 c1459W
Commander BELLAIRS

asked the President of the Board of Trade the percentage of Home and Empire production combined of Great Britain's consumption, before the introduction of Preference and in 1924, in cocoa, coffee, tobacco, raisins, sugar, dried figs and plums?


No precise information is available as to the quantities of Empire goods consumed in this country before the introduction of Preference in 1919, but estimates of the proportion of such goods to the total consumption are given in the following table for the pre-War period 1911-13.The corresponding figures for 1924-25 are. provisional. The figures cover the home production of sugar and tobacco:

Estimated Proportion pre-War. proportion 1924-25 (provisional).
Cocoa(raw) 48˙0 90˙8
Coffee 21˙0 44˙1
Tobacco(unmanu-factared˙ 1˙5 8˙5
Sugar (total raw and refined) 6˙6 11˙5
Fruit dried and pre served
Raisins 2˙6 32˙2
Figs 0˙1
Plums 2˙6 0˙5

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