HC Deb 07 May 1925 vol 183 c1183W
Captain BENN

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether any agreement has been come to with the German Government as to the passage of British aircraft over German territory; and, if BO, whether any modification is to be made in Part XI and Article 202 of the Treaty of Versailles?


As regards the first part of the question, the German authorities have agreed to an arrangement which will place the regular air services on the lines London-Amsterdam-Berlin and London-Brussels-Cologne on a more permanent footing than hitherto, but it has not been found possible to reach agreement in regard to other services across German territory. Arrangements have also been made to simplify the procedure for obtaining permission for individual flights to and across Germany not undertaken as part of a regular air service. As regards the second part of the question, the answer is in the negative.