HC Deb 07 May 1925 vol 183 cc1170-1W

asked the Treasurer of the Household the number of ex service men who have been permitted to re-submit to the appeal tribunal cases in which they have lost their right of appeal through delay; and whether he will also give the number of cases in which the appeals have been heard, the number of appeals admitted, and the number of those rejected?

Colonel GIBBS

Up to the 28th April, 1925, 4, 040 cases had been submitted to the pensions appeal tribunals for England and Wales in which it was alleged that the appellant had exceeded the statutory time limit for making his appeal. In 3, 354 cases the tribunals found that the statutory limit had been exceeded and that they had no jurisdiction to hear the appeal. 541 cases were heard and allowed, 125 heard and disallowed and 20 withdrawn by the appellants.


asked the Treasurer of the Household if he is aware that in certain cases where ex-service men suffering from tuberculosis and inmates of sanatoria have a medical board inside the institution consisting of an examination by one doctor; that the appeal tribunal deals with the case in the absence of the appellant who cannot leave the institution and who cannot afford to pay the expenses of a representative; and, in view of the dissatisfaction this is causing amongst ex-service men, will he delay these appeals until the man is in a fit condition to appear, or alternatively, meet the expenses of any representative chosen by the appellant to deal with the case on his behalf?

Colonel GIBBS

The procedure in cases where appellants are unable to attend before a pensions appeal tribunal is laid down in Rule 31 of the Statutory Rules and Orders of the pensions appeal tribunals. The appellant is always given the option of having his case dealt with under this Rule or of waiting until he is sufficiently recovered to appear before the tribunal. I am forwarding a copy of Rule 31 for the hon. Member's information.