HC Deb 12 March 1925 vol 181 c1556W

asked further the Minister of Agriculture whether his attention has been called to the growth of the sheep-worrying annoyance caused by dogs; and whether he has received any representations on these lines from agricultural bodies?


The reply to both parts is in the affirmative. Under the present procedure, magistrates, at their discretion, may make an Order for a dog found worrying sheep either to be kept under control or to be destroyed. At the present time 54 out of 63 counties in England and Wales, and 16 out of 33 counties in Scotland, have Regulations in force requiring the control of dogs at night time, with a view to preventing worrying of sheep and cattle. During the past six months seven other Scottish counties have applied for an Order for power to make similar Regulations, and in one case the power has been exercised and Regulations made.