HC Deb 04 March 1925 vol 181 cc468-9W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that, in connection with the Tientsin-Pukow Railway Chinese Government 5 per cent. Bonds, only those holders of the British part of the issue have been paid: that there are many British holders, also of bonds, in the German issued part of this loan: and that even bonds of this German issue, passed as good by the Chinese Legation, no longer have interest paid on them: and whether, to protect the interests of the British investors in respect of this particular issue, he has instructed, or will instruct. the British Minister at Pekin to make representations to the Chinese Government?


Information was received last summer that the payments on the bonds of the German issue of this loan, which were suspended during the War. were to be resumed as a result of the financial settlement reached last year between the German and Chinese Governments. I have no knowledge of any difficulties having been sub- sequently encountered by British holders of the issue, but if the hon. Member has any specific cases in mind, I should be glad if he would furnish me with particulars.