HC Deb 25 June 1925 vol 185 cc1745-6W

asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) what steps he proposes to take to ensure the highest possible safeguards to safety of life at sea, in view of the impaired efficiency of the marine wireless service, consequent upon the issue on 21st April, 1925, of the Merchant Shipping (Wireless Telegraphy) Rule Amendment Rules, 1925; and whether he will exercise his discretion, and alter the Statutory Rules and Orders, dated 10th July, 1920 (S. R. & O., 1920, 976), so as to ensure that a ship of Class II shall carry only certificated wireless operators;

(2) if he will inform the House of the reason or reasons for the issue on 21st April, 1925, of the Merchant Shipping (Wireless Telegraphy) Statutory Rules, amending rules modifying the qualifying sea service period of marine wireless operators from 12 months' experience to six months' experience; and whether he will inform the House of the changed circumstances, seeing that the Board of Trade have hitherto considered 12 months' experience to be necessary?


Representations were made some time ago to the Board of Trade and the General Post Office that, owing to the small field for training wireless operators at sea, great difficulty was being experienced in complying with the requirement that operators in charge of a ship must have 12 months' sea service; and that unless some action were taken to amend the rules, there would soon be a serious shortage of experienced men available for the sea service. The matter was very fully discussed by the Board of Trade and the Post Office with representatives of the wireless telegraphy companies, the shipowners and the Association of Wireless and Cable Telegraphists. As a result of these discussions, the Board and the Post Office came to the conclusion that it was advisable to reduce the requirement to six months' service. While it would have been preferable, if possible, to retain the 12 months' qualification, the Departments considered that the reduction could be made without impairing the efficiency of the service, and that it was better to take this action now than to allow matters to reach a position when a much more drastic alteration of the rules would have been necessary. It is not considered that the amendment of the Merchant Shipping Wireless Telegraphy Rules contained in the amending rule of 21st April last, will impair the efficiency of the Mercantile Marine Wireless Service. With regard to the second part of the first question, the Board of Trade have no power under the Merchant Shipping Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1919, to require a ship of Class II to carry more than one certificated wireless operator.