HC Deb 24 June 1925 vol 185 cc1541-2W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Peking Government has made any representations to the British Foreign Office through the Chinese Legation in London as well as through the British representative in Peking; and, if so, of what nature?


The Chinese Chargé d'Affaires has transmitted copies of the notes addressed by his Government to the Diplomatic Body at Peking. Summaries have been published in the Press.


asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs how many children under 15, 12, and 10, respectively, are employed in the foreign mills in the international settlement in Shanghai how many of these employés are working in British-owned mills: and what proportion such employés in British mills bear to the total of children thus employed in the mills in the entire area of Shanghai city?


I have not the information required to answer these questions.


asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can give the date on which the conference of the Powers is to be called in China to discuss, in conjunction with the agreement at Washington, the raising of the Chinese tariff; by whom the invitations to this conference are being issued; and whether, in view of the prejudicial delay in calling this conference, His Majesty's Government will take steps to expedite its convocation?


Article 2 of the Washington Treaty dealing with this matter provides that the conference shall meet in China within three months of the coming into force of the treaty, on a day and at a place to be designated by the Chinese Government. The treaty will come into force on the date of the deposit of the ratifications at Washington. His Majesty's Government will take any steps they can to expedite the meeting of the conference.

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