HC Deb 19 June 1925 vol 185 c965W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether it is possible for Mr. G. Jenkins, formerly No. 14,475, T.W.O., Class 1, Royal Garrison Artillery, to have his discharge post-dated to cover a period of 166 days' leave to which he was entitled because of his service on the West Coast of Africa, from October, 1913, to February, 1915, and which leave was not granted owing to the outbreak of the great War?


Mr. Jenkins was discharged on the 8th February, 1919, on completion of the period of his engagement. It would not have been permissible to prolong his service beyond this date in order to give him the leave which he was prevented from taking during the War. Leave is an indulgence, and is only granted subject to the requirements of the Service. I regret, therefore, that the discharge cannot be post-dated.