HC Deb 16 June 1925 vol 185 cc311-2W

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will give reference particulars of the various Treaties with France, Spain, and Portugal which regulate the Customs Duties on wines and spirits imported into the United Kingdom from those countries?


The only Treaty, which directly limits the duties to be imposed in this country on imported wines and spirits, is that concluded with Spain, which was signed on 31st October, 1922, and came into force on 23rd April, 1924. By Article 6 of this Treaty we have undertaken, for the period of its operation (which is at least three years) not to increase the duty on wine or brandy, the produce of Spain, beyond the rates in force at the date of its signature. The Anglo-Portuguese Treaty, signed on 12th August, 1914, entitles all Portuguese products to most-favoured-nation treatment and, consequently, by virtue of this Treaty (which came into force on 3rd September, 1916, and remains in force for at least 10 years from that date) Portuguese wine and Portuguese brandy enjoy the benefits guaranteed to Spain by the Anglo-Spanish Treaty. There is no Treaty in operation between France and this country which affects the duties which may be imposed on French wines and spirits. The Anglo-French Commercial Treaty of 1882 does not entitle either party to claim most-favoured-nation treatment, in so far as Customs Duties are concerned, but expressly provides that the Customs tariffs of the two countries shall be regulated by their respective internal legislations.