HC Deb 29 July 1925 vol 187 c451W
Colonel DAY

asked the Home Secretary if his attention has been drawn to the deaths of four men engaged in boiler scaling at Hawarden Bridge, Shotton. Cheshire, on 19th July, owing to steam being turned into the boiler accidentally; and if he will consider the desirability of making an order requiring that men engaged in this dangerous work shall be safeguarded by the provision of an attendant during the time they are engaged inside boilers?


I have received a report from the Factory Department on this most unfortunate accident. Accidents of this kind are happily very rare, as adequate precautions are usually taken while such work is being done, but I will certainly consult with my advisers as to what steps can be taken to prevent the recurrence of such accidents. I am inclined to think the best course will be to include a provision in the new Factory Bill with the other provisions for securing the safe working of boilers.