HC Deb 06 July 1925 vol 186 cc56-7W

asked the Minister of Agriculture if he will state the aggregate sum expended by the State on drainage schemes for the relief of unemployment in rural areas; the number of men employed; and the area of land improved?


The figures are as follow:

units; the machine hours flown; the number of machines written off charge; and the total expenditure (excluding civil aviation and capital charges other than replacement of material written off)?


The answer to the various parts of the question is as follows:

(1) Average number of personnel:

R.A.F. Civilians.
1923–24 28,121 17,300
1924–25 30,137 16,250

(2) Average number of qualified pilots:

1923–24 1,700
1924–25 1,900

(3) Average number of pilots under training:

1923–24 370
1924–25 430

(4) Average number of qualified pilots of the rank of squadron-leader or lower rank:

1923–24 1,544
1924–25 1,756

(5) Average number of machines employed in units:

1923–24 750
1924–25 900

(7) Machines written off charge:

1923–24 710
1924–25 527

(8) Expenditure (excluding civil aviation and capital charges other than in respect of equipment):

1923–24 12,731,000
1924–25 15,383,000

(Note.—These figures represent the actual or estimated out-turn of Air Votes in the years specified and include expenditure in Iraq, Palestine and Transjordania in respect of which a grant-in-aid is received from Colonial Office Votes. The figure for 1924–25 includes airship expenditure (none in 1923–24), and if such expenditure is excluded the figure will become £15,067,000.)

I am communicating with my hon. and gallant Friend privately as regards the sixth part of the question, and as regards the eighth part I will, at the same time, send him particulars as to the capital expenditure on equipment when the figure required has been worked out.

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