HC Deb 21 December 1925 vol 189 c2005W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the resident of a cottage adjoining the fort at Languard suffered considerable damage, including the destruction of his furniture, by the explosion at that fort on 4th April last; and whether adequate compensation will be given in this case?


I have been in communication with the Trinity House, who inform me that the cottage adjoining Languard Lighthouse was destroyed with its contents as a result of the explosion at that lighthouse on the 4th April last. This cottage is rented from Trinity House by the Harwich Harbour Conservancy Board, who sub-let it. The tenant, whose furniture was destroyed, applied to the Trinity House for compensation, but the Elder Brethren were advised that as the fire was purely accidental they were under no legal liability in the matter. In the circumstances, the Elder Brethren are of opinion that they are not justified in recommending any payment to the tenant from the General Lighthouse Fund.