HC Deb 18 December 1925 vol 189 cc1829-31W

asked the Minister of Labour the number of applicants at the Stratford and Canning Town Employment Exchanges who have been refused benefit during each month of the present year on the grounds that they were not genuinely seeking employment?


The following Table shows the number of applications for extended benefit during the period 12th January to 16th November, 1925, which have been recommended for disallowance by the Stratford and Canning Town Local Employment Committees on the ground that the applicants were not making every reasonable effort to obtain employment:

Period. Number Disallowed.
Startford. Canning Town
12th Jan. to 9th Feb. 72 76
10th Feb. to 9th March 6l 106
10th March to 13th April 43 215
14th April to 11th May 78 105
12th May to 8th June 51 62
9th Jane to 13th July 59 78
14th July to 10th Aug 64 48
11th Aug. to 24th Aug 65 29
25th Aug. to 14th Sept. 76 37
15th Sept. to 12th Oct 55 46
13th Oct. to 16th Nov 79 57
Total 703 859

I am unable to state the number of applications for standard benefit which have been refused on the ground that the applicants were not genuinely seeking work.

The total number of cases considered by the Stratford and Canning Town Committees during the period were 17,790 and 22,238 respectively.


asked the Minister of Labour if he will give the number of applicants to the Stratford Employment Exchange who have been refused benefit during each month of the present year on the grounds that they have not been employed for a reasonable period during the previous two years?


The following table shows the number of applications for extended benefit during the period 12th January to 16th November, 1925, which have been recommended for disallowance by the Stratford Local Employment Committee on the ground that the applicants have not had a reasonable period of insurable employment in the previous two years:

Period 1925. Number disallowed.
12th Jan. to 9th Feb 195
10th Feb. to 9th March 277
10th March to 13th April 199
14th April to 11th May 172
12th May to 8th June 80
Period.1925. Number disallowed.
9th June to 13th July 123
14th July to 10th Aug 302
11th Aug. to 24th Aug 147
25th Aug. to 14th Sept 204
15th Sept. to 12th Oct 305
13th Oct. to 16th Nov 705
Total 2,709

The total number of cases considered by the Committee during the period was 17,790.


asked the Minister of Labour why the Poplar unemployment insurance officers have refused unemployment pay to Mr. A. E. Palmer, of 19, Ordell Road, Bow; how long this man has paid into the fund: the amount of unemployment benefit he has received during that period; how long he was out of work before his claim for unemployment benefit was disallowed; and what evidence the committee had before it that this man was not genuinely seeking work.


I assume that the hon. Member refers to the case of Mr. A. Clarence Palmer. The claim to benefit made by this workman was disallowed by the insurance officer on the ground that he was not genuinely seeking work. The disallowance was confirmed by the Court of Referees (not the local employment committee) on appeal. Mr. Palmer, who is 19 years of age, has paid 171 contributions since January. 1922, and has drawn benefit in respect of 118 days. He lost his last employment on 29th August, and his claim to unemployment benefit was disallowed as from 24th September. The evidence before the Court consisted of the claimant's own statements as to his search for work.

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