HC Deb 17 December 1925 vol 189 cc1678-9W

asked the Minister of Agriculture if he can state the number of men who have been settled on the land, under the Land Settlement Act, during the years 1923–25; the number of separate holdings; and the acreage of land occupied?


The half-yearly returns received by the Ministry show the position in January and July of each year. During the two years ended last July, 2,684 new settlers were provided with holdings by county councils and councils of county boroughs. The additional acreage acquired during the same period was about 6,000 acres, but the great majority of the new settlers were placed on existing holdings, either post-War or pre-War, which for one reason or another had become vacant.


asked the Minister of Agriculture why the whole of the land in the parish of Winmarleigh which is not used for the production of food is not available for small holdings under the Land Settlement Act for ex-service men?


I have been asked to reply. In reply to a question by the hon. Member on the 7th instant, my right hon. Friend said that he could not make any statement as to the reasons why his predecessor, the late Minister of Agriculture, declined to confirm a compulsory order made by the Lancashire County Council respecting certain land in the parish referred to. My right hon. Friend has nothing to add to that reply, except that he does not agree that the inference contained in the question can properly be drawn from his predecessor's decision.