HC Deb 17 December 1925 vol 189 c1675W
Lieut.-Colonel HENEAGE

asked the Minister of Agriculture what is the period of quarantine for imported store-cattle; and how this compares with foreign countries and the Dominions?


Store cattle for feeding are imported only from Canada and Ireland, and are required to undergo 10 hours' detention for veterinary examination at the ports and six days' detention on the farms. In the Importation of Pedigree Animals Act of 1926 provision is made for the importation of pedigree breeding cattle from all the Dominions under certain conditions, and for such animals the quarantine period imposed would probably extend for varying periods up to four months, according to the risk of disease in the exporting country. With regard to the second part of the question, as other countries vary so greatly in the conditions they impose, I am sending to my hon. and gallant Friend a table giving the desired particulars.