HC Deb 10 December 1925 vol 189 cc713-4W

asked the Minister of Health whether he has yet received the Report of the Committee upon the prices of building materials with reference to the increase of the prices of articles con trolled by the National Light Castings Association; and, in view of the Chair man of the Committee's Report for July, which draws his attention to further in creases in the prices of light castings, what action he now proposes to take?


Arrangements were made by the Committee with the National Light Castings Association for an accountancy investigation. Such an investigation is necessarily a task of considerable magnitude, but I understand that the accountants' report will be submitted to the Committee very shortly. As regards the last part of the question, there has been no further increase in the price of light castings; the comparison made in the Report was between the prices prevailing in August, 1924, and July, 1925.

paid or payable on those built or building under the respective Acts?


The figures are as follow: