HC Deb 07 December 1925 vol 189 cc61-2W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty the latest date given by the Admiralty in determining whether a man enlisted voluntarily for the purpose of re-assessment of civil pay for the period of service with His Majesty's Forces under the recent decision on the Sutton case?


I regret that it is not possible to give a specific answer as the cases affected by the Sutton decision are of several different types, and the question whether a man enlisted voluntarily or otherwise has to be determined with reference to the provisions of the various Military Service Acts. A claimant for re-assessment of civil pay has been treated as having enlisted voluntarily if heattested prior to the date on which he would have been deemed to have been compulsorily enlisted under the provisions of the Military Service Act applying to him. My hon. and gallant Friend is no doubt aware that the Military Service Acts of 6th February and 18th April, 1918, withdrew the "periods of grace" allowed by former Military Service Acts within which persons coming under the Acts could enlist voluntarily; and the dates of those Acts became the final dates beyond which no un attested person could be reported as having joined voluntarily, namely:

  1. (a) As regards men of military age who held certificates of exemption. 6th February, 1918.
  2. (b) As regards youths who became liable for service on reaching the age of 18 years, 18th April, 1918.