§ Sir P. PILDITCHasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will state how much of the £222,000,000 attributed in the Financial Statement of 1925-26 to the Civil Services represents the cost of the salaries and pensions of the Civil Service staff administering such services; and whether he will consider the advisability of giving this information in future returns of expenditure?
§ Mr. CHURCHILLI would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the hon. and gallant Member for Everton (Colonel Woodcock) on the 1st December. In addition to the £17,250,000 which was then stated to be the total provision in the Estimates of the Civil Services for the salaries and wages of the non-industrial staffs of the Civil Service, provision to the amount of £1,408,623 (of which £144,595 is recoverable from the Irish Governments) is made for pensions, additional allowances, and gratuities on death and retirement. This latter figure includes, however, pensions etc. for industrial staff. Separate figures of the pensions etc. for the administrative Civil Service staff are not available, and could not be obtained without considerable labour. I will bear in mind the suggestion in the last part of the question, if a suitable opportunity offers.