HC Deb 02 December 1925 vol 188 cc2252-3W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether the general superannuation rules can be so amended as to meet exigencies of the increasing unemployment at the dockyards, caused by the closing down of Rosyth and Pembroke, so that an established dockyardsman who resigns at his own request before completing his years of service, in order to take up work abroad or for any other purpose, will be awarded the amount of pension which has accrued to him, seeing that, in any case, he is entitled to the amount paid in contributions by him towards his pension during his years of service at the dockyards?


The Superannuation Acts apply to the Civil Service as a whole, and I am unable to recommend any amendment in the direction suggested. As regards the suggestion in the latter part of the question, I would refer the hon. and gallant Member to my reply to him of the 18th March last, in which the position of established dockyardsmen is explained.