HC Deb 05 August 1925 vol 187 cc1384-7W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in regard to British and Irish spirits exported to other foreign countries to the extent of 775,082 proof gallons in 1923 as against 289,864 in 1922, he can state the foreign countries to which the increased quantity has been exported; and what is the quantity exported in 1924?


The information requested is given in the following table:

Country of Destination. Year 1922. Year 1923. Year 1924.
Proof Gallons. Proof Gallons. Proof Gallons.
French Possessions in India 37 16
French Indo-China 61 12,790 102
French Possessions in Pacific 520 426 964
St. Pierre and Miquelon 118,880 499,797 409,966
French West India Islands 76
Switzerland 7,221 15,012 11,849
Portugal 3,309 3,439 1,411
Azores 259 480 671
Madeira 2,074 1,892 3,051
Portuguese West Africa 3,545 2,323 2,050
Portuguese Possessions in India 1,046 742 1,083
Canary Islands 5,987 6,356 8,523
Spanish Ports in North Africa 288 239 236
Spanish West Africa 335 184 446
Italy 11,488 10,832 15,477
Tripoli 129 7 38
Italian East Africa 137 187 219
Fiume 5 15
Austria 714 1,243 2,249
Hungary 27 60 77
Czechoslovakia 496 1,500 1,589
Serb-Croat-Slovene State 155 366 333
Greece 3,403 2,253 2,924
Crete 2 1
Albania 3 1
Bulgaria 5 85 77
Smyrna 594
Rumania 169 95 131
Armenia 8
Liberia 1,502 2,094 1,427
Abyssinia 297 505
Arabia Muscat Territory and Trurial Oman 1,066 1,451 935
Arabia Other Native States 3 8
Persia 6,206 10,948 11,473
Afghanistan 16
Korea 2,156 895 876
Islands in Pacific (not elsewhere specified) 65 177
Hayti 5,581 9,261 6,001
St. Domingo 13,037 4,560 6,951
Guatemala 8,098 12,162 86,090
Honduras (not British) 11,619 15,516 161,185
San Salvador 2,715 3,203 19,093
Nicaragua 6,496 23,222 65,402
Costa Rica 3,679 3,033 34,904
Panama 19,476 23,132 24,785
Venezuela 7,966 11,382 9,842
Ecuador 2,425 4,715 4,992
Bolivia 7,098 10,115 5,536
Paraguay 100 101
Whale Fisheries—Southern 8
289,864 775,082 948,013
NOTE.—From 1st April, 1923, the direct foreign trade of the Irish Free State has been excluded from this Return.


asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in regard to British and Irish spirits exported to other British Possessions to the extent of 423,124 gallons in 1923 as against 202,652 in 1922, he can state the other

British Possessions to which the increased quantity has been exported; and what is the quantity exported in 1924?


The information requested is given in the following table:

RETURN showing the Exports of British and Irish Spirits from the United Kingdom to each Country of Destination included under "Other British Possessions" in Annual Statement of Trade, during the Tears 1922, 1923 and 1924.
Country of Destination. Year 1922. Year 1923. Year 1924.
Proof Gallons. Proof Gallons. Proof Gallons.
Gibraltar 12,005 9,817 9,471
Cyprus 1,392 1,538 1,033
Palestine 11,005 4,157 4,445
Ascension 608 807 1,320
St. Helena 644 708 646
Protectorate of South West, Africa 1,402 2,508 2,560
Orange Free State 809 495 882
Rhodesia 16,771 19,659 23,165
Bechuanaland and Protectorate 38 152 228
Somaliland Protectorate 98 111 17
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 16,800 18,073 17,497
Mauritius and Dependencies 6,157 8,457 9,838
Seychelles 890 1,312 1,115
Aden and Dependencies 5,819 5,102 4,054
Iraq 27,772 29,00 23,320
British North Borneo 5,503 5,806 5,114
Brunei 16 10
Sarawak 1,507 1,979 1,311
Wei-hai-wei 113 52
Territory of Papua 1,279 2,264 2,943
Nauru and British Samoa 3 24
Fiji Islands 8,178 9,317 12,232
Other Islands in the Pacific (British) 562 495 665
Newfoundland and Coast of Labrador 11,748 32,179 157,350
Bermudas 41,124 224,468 95,378
British Honduras 12,576 20,500 7,538
British Guiana 16,292 22,131 14,354
Falkland Islands 1,561 2,009 4,906
202,652 423,124 402,622
NOTE.—From 1st April, 1923, the direct foreign trade of the Irish Free State has been excluded from this Return.

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