HC Deb 30 April 1925 vol 183 cc342-3W

asked the Minister of Pensions whether pensioners receiving pensions awarded to them as single men are compelled to answer all the questions on MPIF 27; if so, why they are requested to give particulars of marriage subsequent to the award of pension and details of children, if any; and will he issue instructions, in the event of their having to answer all the questions on the form, that in future men given pensions as single men need not furnish answers to questions 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17?


The form referred to was instituted, following suggestions made by the Public Accounts Committee of this House, as a means of securing from time to time identification of persons to whom pensions were being paid. The information required by it is only asked for once in five years. The form is a common one. applicable to all classes of pensioner, and the details are only such as serve the purposes of identification. I see no sufficient ground, therefore, for making a distinction as regards any particular section.