HC Deb 08 October 1924 vol 177 c558W

asked the First Commissioner of Works how many notifications he has made to the tenants on the Well Hall estate, Eltham, demanding possession of their respective dwelling-houses; how many notices to quit he has served; how many legal proceedings he has commenced; and how many orders for possession he has obtained, respectively, since the 1st day of February last?


The information asked for is as follows:

Demands for Possession—Nil.

Notices to Quit—

Permanent Estate 26
Temporary Estate 44

Legal proceedings have been commenced in respect of 11 houses on the permanent estate and 9 on the temporary estates, the average arrears being £44 for the former and £14 for the latter. Orders for possession were obtained is respect of 11 houses on the permanent estate and 8 on the temporary estates.


asked the Secretary of State for War how many notifications he has made to the occupants of married quarters at Woolwich demanding possession; how many legal proceedings he has commenced; how many orders for possession he has obtained, respectively, since the 1st day of February last; and whether, in any such cases, alternative accommodation has first been made available to the person and his family he so seeks to dispossess?


I am having inquiries made, and will communicate further with the hon. Member.

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