HC Deb 02 October 1924 vol 177 c343W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department (1) how many circular letters were issued by his Department in September offering surplus copies of the British Industries Fair Catalogue, and how many copies were applied for;

(2) how many copies of the British Industries Fair Catalogue were printed; how many given away to buyers at the fair: and how many were sold?


The total number of catalogues printed for distribution at the British Industries Fair was 30,000, of which 12,107 were distributed free to invited visitors. I might explain that these catalogues are primarily intended for free distribution to visitors to the Fair. In addition, 126 copies were sold. Since the close of the Fair 88,243 circular letters have been despatched to firms who have been invited to visit the Fair, and these letters have resulted in the sale of a further 2,393 copies. In addition to the 30,000 catalogues printed for distribution in this country, 10,000 catalogues were printed specially for distribution to commercial houses abroad, and of these 9,285 have so far been distributed. I should add that the production of the catalogue involves no expenditure of public funds—the cost being covered by the receipt from advertisements.