HC Deb 29 May 1924 vol 174 cc623-4W

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that Thomas Chitty, of 5, New Road, Church Road, Tottenham, aged 77 years, was discharged from the North Middlesex Hospital on the 17th March last; that, on the following day, he applied for a renewal of his old age pension which had been suspended while he was in hospital, and although he has subsequently written another letter to the local superintendent he has received no reply; and if he will make inquiries into this case and explain the delay?


I find on inquiry that Mr. Thomas Chitty was discharged from the North Middlesex Hospital on 25th March, and that his fresh claim to old age pension was received by the pension officer on 27th March. The inquiries into this case were not completed in time for a report to be made for the April meeting of the local Pension Committee. The claim was allowed at the May meet

local authorities in England and Wales; the amount of debt per head of population; the amount of debt per £1 of rateable value; the aggregate amount of rates levied; the rate per £1 of rateable value; and the rate per head of population in each of the years 1913–14 and 1923–24, respectively?


The following statement gives the particulars referred to, so far as they are available:

ing of the Committee with retrospective effect, and the pension is now in payment.