HC Deb 28 May 1924 vol 174 cc448-9W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty the number of officers' chief stewards and officers' chief cooks allowed to the Portsmouth port division; how many are actually borne; the ships and establishments of the port division allowed officers' chief stewards and cooks in their complement; which of these ships and establishments are bearing active continuous service ratings in these positions; and who performs the duties where an active continuous service rating is not borne?


The answer to the first part of the question is 14 officers' chief stewards and 11 officers' chief cooks, and to the second part 16 officers' chief stewards (11 C.S. and 5 N.C.S.), and 9 officers' chief cooks (7 C.S. and 2 N.C.S.). Officers' chief stewards and cooks are allowed to the respective port divisions proportionately to the numbers of the lower officers' stewards and cooks authorised for the port divisions, in order to equalise advancement. The following ships and establishments attached to the Portsmouth division bear continuous service officers' chief stewards:

  • Thunderer.
  • Victory II (2 ratings).
  • Hermes.
  • Malcolm.
  • Fisgard.
  • Centurion.
  • Iron Duke.
  • Curacoa.
  • Impregnable.
  • Calcutta.

The following bear continuous service chief cooks:

  • Victory II (3 ratings).
  • Centurion.
  • Barham.
  • Cormorant
  • Argus.

When an active service rating (either continuous or non-continuous service) is not available, a non-continuous service rating may be entered from the shore.

1914. 1915. 1919. 1920. Present time
Skilled Labourers £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
On minimum pay 15 12 10 17 15 3 34 0 0 40 1 8 27 17 3
On maximum pay 17 5 5 18 14 9 34 10 11 42 4 1 29 16 4
On flat rate of pay 23 9 3 25 11 8 43 9 0 49 10 8 36 10 0
On minimum pay 23 9 3 25 11 8 43 9 0 49 10 8 36 10 0
On maximum pay 29 13 2 31 2 5 48 2 5 54 3 0 40 14 9

Pensions granted in 1914 and 1915 may, under certain circumstances, be increased in accordance with the provisions of the Pensions Increase Act and pensions granted since 20th February, 1922, include an element which is subject to revision in accordance with the variation in the industrial bonus.