HC Deb 21 May 1924 vol 173 cc2224-5W

asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health the number of houses authorised to be built by local authorities in Scotland under the provisions of the Housing, Etc., Act, 1923, as at 1st May, 1924; the number of houses under construction; and the number completed at the same date?


The number of houses which local authorities in Scotland have been authorised to build under the Housing, Etc., Act, 1923, is 7,011. Of these 1,007 are under construction, and 16 have been completed.


asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health the number of houses authorised to be erected by private enterprise under the provisions of the Housing, Etc., Act, 1923, as at 1st May, 1924; the number of houses under construction; and the number completed at the same date?


Plans have been passed by local authorities in Scotland for the erection by private enterprise of 3,079 houses under the Housing, Etc., Act, 1923: of these 1,802 are under construction, and 73 have been completed.


asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health how many houses in each of the villages of Duntocher, Hardgate, and Garscadden, in Dumbartonshire, condemned by the local authority as unfit for habitation, are still being occupied; how many people are directly affected; and how many houses are at present in course of erection and passed for erection in the vicinity?


I am informed that, owing to the shortage of houses, the local authority has not condemned any houses in the localities referred to. As regards the last part, 52 houses have been erected by the local authority and 48 are in course of erection. The local authority are also proceeding to erect 96 houses under their scheme for improvement of insanitary areas, and it is proposed to build an additional 200 houses to deal with other similar areas in Duntocher.