§ Mr. LLOYDasked the Postmaster General how many men there now are on the Dudley postal staff under the age of 40 years who did not serve in the Army or Navy during the Great War; and have any of these men received promotion over the heads of any senior and ex-service men on the same staff?
§ Mr. HARTSHORNThere are five such men, none of whom has yet been promoted.
§ Mr. LLOYDasked the Postmaster-General why a postman who is not an ex-soldier and was medically unfit to serve in the War has been brought from another office to Dudley to do acting inspector's work when there is already available there a medically-fit senior and ex-service man qualified for the work?
§ Mr. HARTSHORNThe postmen at the head and branch offices at Dudley form one establihment on a common seniority list and have equal claims to be tried on higher duties. For this reason a postman normally employed at a branch office at Dudley is being tried on the duties of an assistant inspector at the head office. The fact that an officer was medically unfit to serve in the Army does not disqualify him for employment on higher duties in the Post Office.