HC Deb 13 March 1924 vol 170 cc2602-5W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what are the terms of reference of the committee presided over by Sir Henry Goschen, which authorises relief upon loan to necessitous areas; what is the amount of the funds at the disposal of the committee; what local authorities have received loans; and upon what terms such loans have been granted?


The Committee presided over by Sir Harry Goschen, K.B.E., was appointed in November, 1921. Under their terms of reference, as extended at various dates, they are to consider applications made by Poor Law authorities in Great Britain for loans out of the Vote for Relief of Unemployment, and in cases where they are satisfied that such authorities are unable to meet claims upon them for relief either from rate moneys or from loans otherwise obtained, or that some immediate relief in the current rate burden is essential, they make recommendations to the Ministry of Health or the Secretary for Scotland with regard to the amount of any loan from the Vote and the conditions to be attached thereto. Loans are to be made at not less than the current market rate of interest for loans of similar currency. The Committee may also consider applications by local authorities for loans to carry out works approved by the Unemployment Grants

Authority. Loans Advanced.
Amount. Rate of Interest. Period of Loan, etc.
GUARDIANS £ Per cent.
Barrow-in-Furness Parish 120,000 5 10 years; first repayment of principal and first actual payment of interest postponed until about 3 years after advance.
Bedwellty Union 110,000 7 years; first repayment of principal postponed until 2 years after advance.
20,000 5
Crickhowell Union 5,000 5 years; first repayment of principal postponed until approximately 2 years after advance.
5,000 5
Neath Union 25,000 5 years.
Poplar Borough Parish 95,000 6 Repayable at various periods up to 31st March, 1925.
165,750 5
Redruth Union 20,000 5 7 years; first repayment of principal postponed until 2½ years, and first actual payment of interest until 1 year after advance.
Sheffield Union 98,000 10 years; first repayment of principal and first actual payment of interest postponed until 3 years after advance.
West Ham Union 300,000 6 5 years; first repayment of principal postponed for periods up to 18 months after advance.
200,000 5
300,000 7 years; first repayment of principal postponed for 2½ years after advance.
(1) For Relief Works.
Clutton Rural District Council. 10,000 6 10 years; to be repaid by annuity calculated over a 20-year period, with outstanding balance at end of 10 years.
Vaynor and Penderyn Rural District Council. 5,500 6 Do.
Rhondda Urban District Council. 24,300 10 years.
45,700 20 years.
11,048 30 years.
Walsall Rural District Council. 3,200 18 years.
(2) For Current Expenses,
Nantyglo and Blaina Urban District Council. 5,000 7 years; first repayment of principal postponed until 3 years after advance.

Committee and applications by local authorities for loans for the purpose of providing temporarily for current expenses which owing to causes arising out of unemployment they are unable to meet out of current income.

The current year's provision for this service in the Relief of Unemployment Vote is £1,803,400. The following statement shows the loans issued since the appointment of the Committee and the terms upon which they have been granted. Various repayments of principal have been made in respect of the loans:—

Authority. Loans Advanced.
Amount. Rate of Interest. Period of Loan, etc.
Bonhill Parish Council 20,000 10 years by annual instalments.
Dumbarton Parish Council 9,000 10 years by annual instalments.
Govan Parish Council 300,000 10 years by annual instalments.
Greenock Parish Council 47,000 10 years by annual instalments.
Old Kilpatrick Parish Council 123,500 10 years by annual instalments.
Old Monkland Parish Council 37,000 5 years; first repayment of principal and first actual payment of interest postponed until 3 years after advance.
40,000 5 10 years; first repayment of principal and first actual payment of interest postponed until 3 years after advance.
Outer Hebrides.
Barra Parish Council 850 15 years; first repayment of principal and first actual payment of interest postponed until about 3 years after advance.
Barvas Parish Council 3,200
Harris Parish Council 960
Lochs Parish Council 1,600
South Uist Parish Council 2,550
Uig Parish Council 2,250