HC Deb 12 March 1924 vol 170 c2378W

asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to the case of a man named Goddard, of Speen, Newbury, who, after contributing 400 payments to unemployment insurance without having drawn any relief, is now paralysed and will never be able to work again, and who has a wife and four children, average age under four, and whose wife has to maintain them on 18s. a week parish relief less anything she may earn; and whether, in view of these facts, he will allow the extra 40 payments to be made in order that payments may be refunded, or what other step he is prepared to take in the circumstances?


I have been asked to reply. Mr. Goddard, in order to qualify for a refund of unemployment contributions, must, in accordance with the provisions of Section 25 of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1920, and having regard to his ago on entry into insurance, have paid at least 450 contributions. It appears, however, that he has only paid 440 contributions. I have no power to make a refund in such a case, as the conditions laid down by the Act are not satisfied. The 440 contributions cannot be made up to the qualifying minimum of 450 by payment of the value of 10 contributions; contributions are not valid unless paid in respect of insurable work.